Keller America Inc
Supplier Profile

From our first media-isolated pressure transducer to today’s complete line of microprocessor-conditioned piezoresistive level and pressure transmitters, gauges, and loggers, Keller has been advancing the state of the art in pressure measurement for over 40 years.
Keller America Products

KELLER’s D-Ei line of embeddable OEM pressure transmitters provide outstanding accuracy for industrial applications in hazardous areas.
- Keller America Inc

The 23SY-H2 series from KELLER is a reliable Hydrogen pressure measurement solution with long service life, low embrittlement rate, high accuracy and minimal H2 diffusion.
- Keller America Inc

KELLER’s I2C transmitters use KELLER’s own chip-in-oil technology: A laser-welded, hermetically sealed, oil-filled stainless steel housing, containing KELLER’s pressure transducer, and ultra-energy efficient compensation electronics.
- Keller America Inc
Products Categories
- Calibration / Calibrators
- Level Instrumentation / Level Instrumentation - Liquid
- Level Instrumentation / Level Transmitters
- Level Instrumentation / Level Gauges
- Pressure Instrumentation / Pressure Transmitters
- Pressure Instrumentation / Digital Pressure Gauges
- Pressure Instrumentation / Pressure Sensors
- Sensors / Transducers / Liquid Level Sensors
- Sensors / Transducers / Level Sensors
- Sensors / Transducers / Pressure Transducers
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