PI North America
Supplier Profile

PI North America is dedicated to showing industry the beneficial results of using fieldbuses in general and PROFIBUS and PROFINET in particular, while assisting device manufacturers throughout North America in the development and marketing of PROFIBUS and PROFINET products. Over 1,500 companies organized into 27 Regional PI Associations develop and supply fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet solutions for cost efficient and highly reliable automation.
PI North America is dedicated to showing industry the beneficial results of using fieldbuses in general and PROFIBUS and PROFINET in particular, while assisting device manufacturers throughout North America in the development and marketing of PROFIBUS and PROFINET products. Over 1,500 companies organized into 27 Regional PI Associations develop and supply fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet solutions for cost efficient and highly reliable automation.
16101 N 82nd St. Suite 3B
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
United States of America
- 480-483-2456
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